Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oops, we kinda let a few days slide by without posting, but we have been keeping kinda busy...

We left Bali on the 6th and arrived in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia late in the afternoon. We had originally planned for this to be just a quick layover and an early flight out on the 7th, but we changed our minds before we left and decided that we should spend at least one entire day here. After all, there is alot to see and do here. The main thing that we wanted to do was see the Petronas Twin Towers, a definate asian icon. You may have seen these towers before on TV or in the movies (Tomorrow Never Dies - James Bond), and they are every bit as impressive in real life...

We toured the towers in the morning and then went to the National Muslim Art Museum in the afternoon. I am not usually a big art museum kinda guy, but this was pretty impressive... it was a very detailed history of how the Muslim religion spread throughtout Asia, and with numerous artifacts and antiquities as well. It was really interesting to see a display of this type, something we would never see in the museums in the west.

After a nice meal we went back to our hotel and headed for the open air roof-top lounge, and it just happened to be ladies night! It was a very swanky club where, if you looked up, you could see the top 30 floors of the Petronas building... it seemed pretty surreal sitting there listening to a DJ spin modern/trance music while surrounded by attractive ladies (none moreso than Catherine). A nice end to a busy day!

We had to get up at 0330 hours to catch our plane to Siem Reap, so we took it easy, and landed in Cambodia around 1000 hrs. We got taken to our hotel and set ourselves up for 4 days of touring through Angkor Wat, the Lost City. So far we have done two days out there and it definately deserves to be on the world heritage list. I would like to try to describe it to you, but it is just too massive and amazing to try to put into words. We are taking lots of pics, and Cat has taken some really fantastic shots here, but as usual, it takes an ridiculous amount of time to get them pasted to this blog. We will keep trying...

Heres one of the "elephant wall"... it seems like this was where the elephants were lined up to get to a ramp where people, likely the elite, were able to easily climb aboard...

Heres one of many stone faces from Bayon, one of the larger temples...

Well, time to get ready for a nap before getting ready for dinner...

Chat soon,

Tim and Cat

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